About the House

A House In-Between

Temporary Land Art Installation
Summer 2021
in the context of Ode aan de Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie

Living in the inundated landscape raises the question; who should you fear more? A foreign enemy, or the domestic army? Here, you are housed but not sheltered, a living obstacle between water and fire. For living within the firing range of a fortress meant a constant threat of having to leave your hearth and home. Also experience how the feeling of safety eludes you step by step. Expose yourself to the open inundation fields and discover the hidden stories of people trapped in a war landscape, not just here, but worldwide. Because what used to be a reality for the residents of this place, is still reality today.

Made by TU Delft students: Daria Beliavskaia, Rachel Selima Bonnewell, Nicolle Cobben, Miriam van Eck, Jasmijn Hofman, Sui-Hui Kuo, Wansu Lu, Sanne Maring, Priscilla Namwanje, Kimberley Nguyen, Lotte van Oevelen, Pieter van Os, Martine Schüll, Fudai Yang, Xinyu Zhang

Teachers: Ir. Frits van Loon, Michiel Pouderoijen